Security At Work

Effective security relies on people behaving in the right way. This is enabled through an understanding of the threat and a clear understanding of what is required of them.


The development of an appropriate security culture, where the right security behaviours are adopted by the workforce, is essential to an organisation’s protective security regime.


Security is everyone’s responsibility.


A clear desk policy requires documents and other items, including keys and removable objects of value, to be locked away in a secure cupboard or container when the office is unattended. This includes any papers left on printers, photocopiers or in meeting rooms. 


Employees should lock computer terminals when they are away from their desk, and should not share passwords with colleagues. Passwords should be changed as soon as possible if they become compromised.


Sensitive, confidential or commercial documents should have clear instructions on handling.


Employees should be made fully aware of their responsibilities when in possession of sensitive documents, e.g. working on the documents in public places, secure storage of documents away from site


Encrypt e-mails if required.


Remove pass and lanyard when not required.


Cover all logos and uniform when not in work.


Incident Logging


Security is everyone’s responsibility.


If you spot a security incident, as little as it may seem, you are to report it via the following link, or click here



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