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Rapid antigen tests for passengers at Hull port

Last updated: 7th October 2021


The Netherlands currently classifies the UK as a very high risk country, therefore at current travel to the Netherlands is for essential purposes for unvaccinated passengers.


Testing requirements can be viewed by visiting our travel restrictions for the Netherlands page.


Testing at Hull Port

To streamline your travel plans, we are able to provide rapid antigen coronavirus tests at the port of Hull. This service will be available every day of the week between 2pm and 6pm.

Test results can take up to 30 minutes, please allow an extra 90 minutes prior to checking in and arrive no later than 6pm to guarantee results before check-in closes.

The tests cost £29 plus VAT (total payable £34.80) and are available until 31st October 2021.


On arrival at the port, you will be directed to the building where your test will be carried out. If your test result is negative you can continue on to check-in.


Those with a positive test result will not be able to travel and will be directed to a hotel accepting positive coronavirus cases in Bradford if they’re unable to return home.


We are really pleased to be able to support our valued freight customers and essential workers through offering this testing service.


Czy zastanawiają się Państwo nad bezpieczeństwem podróży promem do Wielkiej Brytanii lub Irlandii? Jeżeli szukają Państwo porad dotyczących podróży i koronawirusa lub zastanawiają się, jak bezpiecznie podróżować na promami P&O Ferries po rozluźnieniu restrykcji związanych z zakazem wychodzenia z domu, to zachęcamy do odwiedzenia naszej strony Bezpieczna Podróż, na której znajdą Państwo wszystkie potrzebne informacje.


Informacje dotyczące naszych tras, linki do zaleceń rządu w sprawie podróży oraz nasze aktualne rozkłady rejsów znajdą Państwo na stronie Aktualności dotyczące Rejsów.

Test to Release

Read about the government's Test to Release scheme and discover how you can take part if you're coming back to the UK from a country that isn't on the safe travel list. Find out how you can order a Covid-19 test through Screen4 LTD.