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Hull to Rotterdam Ferry Timetables

Take your first step to booking your next holiday by checking out our ferry timetables for our Ferry from Hull to Rotterdam route as well as the return ferry crossings you can get to complete your Travel planning.


You can easily choose your next overnight crossing from either our Hull or Rotterdam timetables to plan your travels across the North Sea and begin your next adventure!


Learn more about our Hull to Rotterdam ferry times so you can make the most of your time away, whether it’s a short city break to Amsterdam, or a Netherlands roadtrip, our ferry schedule and sailing updates will make sure you have all the information you need to plan your next trip.


Find out about both our Hull to Rotterdam and Rotterdam to Hull arrival times to make sure you know the timings and schedules for both crossings to avoid disappointment.


After learning more about our Hull to Rotterdam ferry schedule you won’t need to be worried about being bored, with our onboard entertainment there is something for everyone. Whether you want to enjoy a few cocktails on the Sun Deck and Lobby Bar, go to the cinema and watch a movie, or enjoy a wide range of food across our restaurants and cafes there will be something for you, as well as a range of comfortable cabins to choose from so you can get a perfect night’s sleep.


Plan your next trip away with the P&O Ferries Hull-Rotterdam timetable today. Discover all the information you need to arrange an exciting mini-cruises or car trip to the Netherlands below.


*Be advised that disembarkation starts approximately 15min after arrival time. Please be aware of this when planning your onward journey

Hull to Rotterdam  

26 Mar, 2025 1 crossings





Whether you’re holidaying in Holland, taking an adventurous road trip through Europe, or getting away for the weekend with friends, our travel essentials and ferry schedule information will ensure you have a carefree trip.

Below are some options that you should consider before travelling from Hull to Rotterdam.

Hull to Rotterdam ferry schedule

Before you get onboard there are a few things you should consider to avoid any delays or late arrivals and risk of missing our Hull to Rotterdam ferry times.

Breakdown Cover is vital especially if you are planning a European Road Trip. RAC Comprehensive Plus European Cover is the most comprehensive cover you can get.

Getting travel insurance is also another key thing to get once you’ve booked your ferry.Whether you're planning a short trip or relaxing Mini Cruise around Europe, we'll help you find the right cover.

Whenever you book your ferry crossing we want to make sure you are keeping up to date with our latest sailing updates and any changes to our ferry schedule. That’s why we make it easier by posting updates both on our sailing updates page and on X. Here we will keep you updated with all travel updates that might cause delays in you approaching our Hull Port to avoid stress so you can plan and travel ahead.

But, there is no need to stress about any more travel essentials, as they can be sorted whilst you are on our Hull to Rotterdam ferry.  With our facilities and services you can reserve your travel money and cash and pick it up on the ship with our own Bureau de Change offering great rates.

We want to make sure you are kept up to date throughout your journey, so that you arrive at your destination stress-free and in good time so you can travel in style on our Ferries to Holland. Now you know about our Hull to Rotterdam ferry schedule and arrival times, book your ferry today and start planning your trip right away.