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Corporate Social Responsibility at P&O Ferries

Our mission is to build the best possible business for our customers, our people and our communities, through working in an ever more responsible and sustainable way. 

Our Vision

  • Ensure the safety and security of our customers and our people

  • Minimise the environmental impact of our operations by making the most of technology and being fully transparent in our reporting

  • Inspire our people and continue to develop outstanding teams who are determined to exceed customer expectations

  • Lead the industry in setting the standards for best practice in wellbeing

  • Become the leading service provider in our sector

  • Partner with local businesses and organisations to advance the welfare of our port communities


Corporate Responsibility

Our commitment, our targets, our responsibility.

In order to build the best possible business for our customers, our people and our communities, it is vital that we work in an ever more responsible and sustainable way.

Read our Corporate Responsibility Document 


Understanding the gender pay gap

P&O Ferries is an equal opportunities employer, and as such welcomes the recording and reporting on gender pay which, along with other diversity data, will support our development of the initiatives, policies and processes that support our business and our people.

Click here to read out Gender Pay Statement. 


  • If you see or suspect wrong doing, speak up.

  • Report your concerns, in confidence, anytime.

  • Toll-free number: 0800 048 8435 

  • Report directly: dpworld.ethicspoint.com

Click here to download our Whistleblower Policy.


Certified for a safer, greener tomorrow.

In a significant milestone in P&O Ferries’ transformational journey, we are thrilled to announce the successful attainment of two prestigious certifications - ISO 14001 and ISO 45001.

  • ISO 14001 is the international standard for Environmental Management Systems (EMS), emphasising the need for organisations to prioritise their environmental impact. Our certification not only demonstrates our commitment to sustainability but also provides us with tangible benefits, including greater control over costs.
  • ISO 45001, the world’s standard for Occupational Health and Safety, is a crucial step in ensuring the well-being of our employees and visitors. In a world where preventable workplace incidents result in millions of injuries, our commitment to ISO 45001 reflects our dedication to providing a safe and healthy working environment.

These certifications are a testament to our commitment to excellence in Health, Safety, Security, and Environment (HSSE) across our Shoreside Operations, including Channel House, Cairnryan, Larne, Dublin, and Dover Port.

Our journey towards ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 certifications involved rigorous audits conducted by NQA auditors across multiple locations. This process ensures that our internal controls align with international standards, setting the stage for a robust Integrated Management System.

These certifications are not just milestones but symbols of our unwavering commitment to excellence in environmental management and occupational health and safety. As we continue to ‘Adapt and Evolve’ to ‘Build for a better future’, these certifications serve as a foundation for sustained growth, improved productivity, and an enhanced organisational safety culture.


ISO certificate for P&O Ferries ISO certificate P&O Ferries


Sunflower Lanyard Scheme

Did you know, we are proudly the first ferry company in the UK to support the Sunflower Lanyard scheme, enabling customers who may need additional support of assistance to be discreetly recognised by our helpful staff on board our ships.

Find out more here.