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Prohibited Items - Travelling with dangerous goods

Below is guidance on the transport of items classified as dangerous by individuals in private vehicles onboard our ships. Click here to view the full Marine Guidance Notice on gov.uk




You can carry:

• Weapons of category B, C or D subject to mandatory prior declaration to your shipping company and in strict compliance with its conditions.


If travelling with a firearm and ammunition they should be aware of the following requirements. All firearms to be carried by a current valid firearm, shotgun, or registered firearms dealer’s certificate (RFD) They should be made available to inspection by either the booking in staff or port security personnel. Certificate holders should be aware of their requirements for ensuring the secure storage of arms and ammunition. No shooting equipment should be visible when carried in vehicles.

• Maximum 1000 cartridges classified UN0012 and UN0014 class 1.4S stored in their original manufacturer boxes and without being accompanied by explosive or incendiary projectiles.

• Maximum 3 gas cylinders for propane/helium aerostat use weighing less than 47 kg.

• 1 fire extinguisher weighing less than 5kg.


• Scuba diving equipment must be declared to your shipping company and comply with its transport conditions. Maximum 6 floatation vests per vehicle.

• The transport of a medical oxygen cylinder is subject to the presentation of a doctor's prescription.

• The transport of fireworks limited to 5kg must be in its original packaging, a maximum of 6 hand flares, 4 parachute rockets, 2 smoke bombs. Except for specific restrictions indicated by Prefectural Order.

• Each passenger is authorized to carry flammable hygiene products up to 2 kg or the equivalent of 2 litres (aerosols, perfume, lacquer, cologne, etc.)

• 10 litres of paint.

• 1 litre torch gas refill.

• Only manufacturer LPG vehicles are authorized to transit on the ship.

• Transporting an animal trailer should not carry more than 3 standard size bales of forage.




You can carry:

• All the elements of passenger vehicles described above. As well as :

• Maximum 3 bottles of butane/propane gas weighing less than 47kg



Foot Passengers are not permitted to carry any dangerous goods or prohibited items on board our ships.




No additional fuel may be carried in containers of any quantity.